Instructor-Led – RCT – Remote Certification Training

Remote Certification Training (RCT)
Remote Certification Training (RCT) - The Fiber School - Certified Fiber Optic Installer

As we enter the 21st century no technology has had an impact on society greater than broadband communications. Behind all of the devices, the apps, the wireless gadgets the autonomous cars……. there are fiber-optic networks. For hundreds of years, many countries have installed copper-based networks and for hundreds of years, these networks were sufficient. The current demands for the services listed above cannot be achieved on the copper technology. The technology of fiber optics is the process of sending light signals over a fiber optic line (typically made from glass) at incredibly fast speeds for long distances.

For a technician, it is extremely important that they understand the basics of the network, proper installation techniques, maintenance, and repair. Over the last 15 years, the Fiber School has been trusted by organizations around the world to provide training not only in the theory behind fiber optics but to create hands-on labs that mimic the work that technicians will actually be doing in the field. The Fiber School has developed specialized training for many industries from Fiber to the home, Oil, Gas & Petroleum, Utilities and many others as well. We also offer levels of training from Installer (Beginning) to Masters (Advanced).

We have heard from many students over the past several years that it is difficult for them to travel to one of our locations to attend the training. So we are proud to announce that we have taken the time to convert the entire class theory and hands-on labs into videos. These videos cover the theoretical material of how fiber optic networks work and now include extensive footage of our instructors actually doing the labs captured on video.

With our Remote Certification Training (RCT) we will send you all of the materials and provide you access to the video library that you can watch as many times as you like for up to 1 year. Simply follow the video do the labs take a picture of your completed lab and submit for grading.

Students will receive a kit including all the lab materials needed to perform the hands-on skills assessment. If you have your own tools and equipment, choose Option 1. Option 2 includes all of the tools and equipment necessary to complete the course. Following online video instructions, the student will perform each hands-on lab as if they were in the classroom.

We have heard from many students over the past several years that it is difficult for them to travel to one of our locations to attend the training.

RCT - Remote Certification Training - Fiber Optic Splice Lab

Watch the video to view a quick demo of our online lecture modules and our hands-on lab video instructions.


The course is available in two options. Option 1 is the cheaper version available to students that already have all of the proper tools and equipment (see Checklist). And Option 2 is the Full Kit that comes with all of the tools and equipment (see Checklist) necessary to complete the course and do the job. 


  • Relieves students of costs associated with travel, rentals, lodging, etc.
  • Less time away from work
  • The convenience of training at your own location whether it’s at home or the office
  • Gain the knowledge, skills, and certification required to become a fiber optic installer


  • Approximately 24 hours of online lecture containing fiber optic theory and network overview
  • Prepackaged lab materials are included in every kit
  • Use your own equipment or purchase the full kit which includes all the tools needed to perform hands-on labs
  • Video instruction library to demonstrate hands-on labs at your own pace
  • Ability to schedule a video conference with the instructor with questions

Hands-on Labs included with the course:

  • Cable Preparation
  • Buffer Tube Fan-out Kit (BTFO)
  • Prepare, Fusion Splice and Wrap a 12-Fiber Splice Tray
  • Terminating Mechanical Splice Connector
  • Mechanical Splicing
  • Power Meter Light Source Testing
  • OTDR Trace Analysis
  • Determining Link Loss Budgets

Equipment, Tools, and Supplies Checklist

Required Equipment

  • Power Meter
  • Light Source (Singlemode)*
  • Fusion Splicer
  • Inspection Scope
  • Visual Fault Locator (VFL)
  • Test Cables & Mating Sleeves (Singlemode)*

Required Tools

  • Required Tools
  • 3-hole stripper
  • Kevlar Scissors
  • Telecom Long Nose Plyers
  • Jacket Stripper
  • Buffer Tube Stripper
  • Round Cable Slitter
  • Tweezers
  • Black Marker
  • Safety Glasses
  • Electrical Tape
  • Utility Knife
  • Ruler – 6″ with mm markings
  • Screwdriver
  • Seam Ripper
  • Fiber Disposal Can
  • Work Mat (Black) (22″ x 14″)

Required Supplies

  • Cleaning Supplies (cleaning fluid, cleaning cassette for connectors, lint free fiber wipes)

* The standard course uses singlemode test equipment. Please contact us if you wish to use multimode instead.


Use Your Own


If you already have your own tools and equipment, you can use your own and save money by just buying the course materials.


The Full Kit


The full kit comes with: splicer, power meter, light source & more. An $8,000 value that you get to keep after class!

*Price is subject to change and availability.  Discounts cannot be combined with any other offer.  Shipping, taxes, duties and other fees are not included in the price.  Promotions have no cash value.  Offer cannot be sold or otherwise bartered.