This online course will provide you with all the knowledge and requirements that are needed to effectively characterize your optical infrastructure. You will learn about all the requirements for engineering and for qualifying the optical fiber links that utilize specific bit rates in regards to both metro and long haul spans.
Students must pass exam to be certified.
FCB Course Completion
This online course will provide you with all the knowledge and requirements that are needed to effectively characterize your optical infrastructure. You will learn about all the requirements for engineering and for qualifying the optical fiber links that utilize specific bit rates in regards to both metro and long haul spans.
In this course you will learn about:
Introduction to Fiber Characterization
Fiber Optic Basic Review
Inspection and Cleaning of Fiber
End-to-End Loss
Optical Return Loss
Chromatic Dispersion
Polarization Mode Dispersion
Bi-Directional Trace Analysis
There are no labs associated with this course.
Master in Testing (TR-MFT) is the prerequisite to become a fiber characterization technician.
This course is intended for those looking for an overview of fiber characterization basics. It will familiarize the student with terminology and the factors and events commonly seen in a trace.
This course is offered online through our Digital Chalk Virtual Learning Management Service. Call (877) 529-9114 or email for registration information.
We reserve the right to cancel any course. A full refund will be provided unless the student elects to transfer to another course or time.
No refunds will be granted for student cancellation, but substitutions are permitted.
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